Lawrence Donald Northup was born Lawrence(After Uncle Lawrence Knox, and Richard Lawrence Northup
(my father) Donald (after my Mother's father, Donald Buckeye) Northup
at Hennepin County General Hospital in Minneapolis, Minnesota on May 16, 1970.
I do not know the particulars of the birth or even how much I wieghed!
But currently I live in Va.Beach, Va. I am going to go out on a limb here, but my dad Rick said that I should modify this page and spice it up. I guess it makes sense what he says about only me having the balls to go in and modify the site, I have always been like that. I remember when as a teenager I wrote the programming code for a simple racing game that me and dad played. It was more just to prove that it wasn't beyond me more than anything. I also think that in a way me and dad sort of competed on a regular basis when it came to computers. Now no one programs anymore, what with html code and WEBsites it is more fun to make a page instead! The best thing about html is that there are so many resources online where you are creating the page in the first place. I really am amazed by the number of people with access to the web that are afraid to do much more than email family and friends. That is where me and dad are alike, He told me once "Don't be afraid to try and figure something out that you don't understand, the worse that can happen is that you get your hands dirty" That pretty much is my motto in life. I remember when as teen in high school, I took dad's brand new engine he had built from a mail order class. I had to have something to work on in small engine class, and I was figuring that it would be a great way to fugure it out. Well, I busted that new engine because I put it back together wrong, boy was he mad. But the point was that I shouldn't have been afraid to get my hands dirty and brought the broken mower in and FIXED IT instead, at the absolute worse case, I would'nt have fixed it. Big deal! anyway someone once said, "in life there can be no reward unless your willing to take a risk." I really believe that, I just wish there were more people like me and dad who aren't afraid to bust something online and started WEBsiting.
Our Family prior to the Separation